Embark on a journey into the gloomy depths of Shadows & Wealth, a card game heavily influenced by the popular title Card Crawl. Assume the role of the Fire Knight, taking on goblins, dragons, and various other adversaries armed with a deck consisting of 54 cards. Your survival hinges on a clever strategy, and triumph will uncover potent abilities waiting to be utilized. Will you emerge victorious from the darkness, bearing unimaginable riches?
Unleash your resources to vanquish foes until the entire deck is depleted. With each turn, the dashboard is replenished with fresh cards occupying four slots. Utilize your collection of resource cards in your hand and backpack, and confront adversaries through the casting of spells, withstanding direct damage, or by employing shields to absorb attacks. Discover treasures during your journey, and employ acquired gold to unlock new Skill Cards.